About me

I’ve heard it said, “The sign of a good writer is that they love to write.”  Alas, I am not a good writer as I don’t particularly enjoy writing.  In fact, most often, I hate it.  The best part of writing any of my pieces is when I finish writing them because that’s where the discomfort ends and the relief begins.

Barring the occasional piece that came to mind in times past when something particularly and unusually usual caught my attention, I have not written.  Like I said, I’m no writer, at least not a very good one.  I’m not much of a reader either -my limited vocabulary reveals this.  It’s only in the past year and a half since I came to China that I’ve been on this literary pilgrimage.

I am by no means extraordinary.  If you read my pieces you’ll know this, in fact, you’ll probably know this even if you don’t know me.  I mention my normalcy, because you might naturally wonder if I have some amazing story to tell.  I do not.  More than anything, I am an ordinary, average Joe, who is one of many.  My ego takes a terrible, but much needed, beating because of this. I’ve come to accept this and reluctantly embrace it and because of it, I’ve found inspirations in the most uninspiring of scenes and scenarios.

I am hypnotized by the beauty of things like humility, brokenness and my own defects.  I revel in them and wrestle with them and these struggles, I put to page.  And this page is where you’ll find me.

If you’re interested, Shattered (first known as “Naked”) and No Pasa Nada would be my most representative pieces. They would also be my most painful.  Cured by Cancer, I’d like to think is my best.

All this naturally begs the question, “Why do you write?”
The answer is simple…because I have to.
And why do I post?
Because you’ve told me to.

Reach me at pvirant@yahoo.com.  I welcome and enjoy your comments

37 thoughts on “About me

  1. Yes, continue to write. Because you must! Thank you for connecting with me and blessing me with a follow. I too have been to the far east and faced the fear of the government trying to stop me from singing about Christ’s love. It was a scary experience. So glad that you could write about yours. Meghan

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey, I just read Naked and it was quite a ride. I do this regular feature where I go visit other people’s sites, and when I find something I really like I say so. This week it is called Pop In: Sunday Blog Visits, and I am featuring your site in it. Raw powerful writing!

    Liked by 2 people

      • I’m just learning the ropes of this blogosphere. It’s hard. I’m transitioning from the retail corporate world, where I was blessed with an IT dept. The tech details are frustrating for me as I’ve already had a fashion blog hijacked by a group from Turkey. Lost all my work, 75 post. Sticking with WP.com for a while before I self host again. Enjoying your content. Happy Trails


  3. Lost your work? That’s terrible! Small consolation I know, but it means your content is so good it’s worth stealing! Consider it flattery and I hope you find a safer home here on WP! Despite a couple hiccups, it looks like you’re coming right along! What kind of fashion, btw?


  4. Who told you you aren’t extraordinary? I think you know I’m a Christian (you followed my blog today), and one thing I can tell you for certain is that God made man in His own image. Are we fallen? Yes. Every single one of us, but Jesus Christ came to redeem us. That word means to purchase back. He swept all our garbage away with a broom in the shape of a cross.
    Now if you want an extraordinary life He’s waiting to show you the way. I’m praying that He’ll strengthen you in your sobriety 😉


  5. Hey – thanks for stopping by my blog. You have some interesting pieces here… “Hemingway Bleeds” caught my eye. I have believed this is true for a long time. As someone who has difficulty expressing emotion and claiming my voice, writing has been my one true outlet. And the words that come out often do feel like a little bloody piece of myself… shedding the pain one word at a time. I look forward to reading more of your writing in the future. Best to you!


    • Forgive me. Somehow, I never saw this before. Thank you for stopping by. I’m so glad one of my pieces spoke to you! From your comment, it’s obvious you do find an outlet for expressing your emotions through your writing because I totally relate to your feelings! Thank you for sharing and shedding them with me!


  6. I don’t think it’s necessarily true that good writers love to write. I’ve made a living writing for years and been told I’m good at it, yet I absolutely hate doing it. Every blank page or screen terrifies me. But like you, I have to write. It’s how I make sense of the world. I’m enjoying your words; their honesty and fearlessness and your willingness to examine and reveal. Thanks for following ZimmerBitch and leading me to your blog 🙂


    • Su, I hope you’re right and you’d know far more about it than I would. I’ve simply read and talked to some writers who said they love to write and have always wanted to be a writer since they were kids. While this is completely foreign to me, I believe them. I identify more with you, writing hurts. Having said that, thank you for the wonderful compliment and it’s my pleasure to have discovered your page.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you so much for following Jacques’ Dog Blog! In my opinion what makes someone a “good writer” is subjective (being successful is something completely different). I write because I enjoy sharing my experiences or because I find it to be cathartic – even if getting words onto a page can be painful at times. It is something I do for me and if, by chance, it makes someone chuckle or is relate-able, I enjoy it even more. Keep reveling and wrestling! May the force be with you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yeah, I’ve met those people too. I’m slightly envious. Like you, I love the product but not the process. Actually, I think I’m like that with most things. Maybe I should write about that 🙂 hehe.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You may not think you’re that good of a writer, but I’m here to tell you that you are. What I’ve read so far is haunting and beautiful. Thanks for following bpnurse. 🙂


  10. Hello and thanks so much for following my blog and taking the time to comment. It cheered me up. Reading your about page rings true to me, especially the part about writing because how discomfort ends and relief begins.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This, hands down is one of the most interesting “About” pages I’ve read. You have successfully encouraged me to read more.


  12. I love the searing honesty of your writing. You may say you’re not a writer, but you are no matter how difficult it is.
    I know it’s been two months since you pushed the follow button on our blog. Sorry it’s taken so long for me to respond; we can get kinda busy on the road. Anyway thank you. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey.


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